Monday, September 8, 2008

Gig Report - Sept. 5th

Krump Academy:

Krump Dance Battle Preliminary Round
Saint City

The run up to this gig was pretty impressive.  Krump dancers were e-mailing the promoter with their commitments, and the City Weekly did a very nice write up in advance.  The outcome, though, was ironic (and tragic.)

A grand total of one (1) Krump dancer showed up, but two important industry folks (one from, and one from Catalyst magazine) DID show up.  So, here was a chance to really make an impression on the local media - and nobody was there!  Luckily, there was something salvageable about the night, as Saint City and members of Young Mindz performed a "bail out" set to the industry folks, and the few audience members that did actually come down.  At the very least, Saint City got some personal attention - but what an opportunity missed for Krump!

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