Thursday, September 4, 2008

Venue/ Show Runner Database

The "open source movement" has a big place in my heart, and so I'm trying to "open source" the venue as much as possible. In the spirit of that idea, I'm making our database available to the public so that someone can, maybe, get some use out of it.

Here are the caveats:

-It requires OpenOffice. You can get OO here:

-I can't really support the thing. I'll certainly try to answer questions as they may arise - but remember how much you paid for the database. :)

-There's some "fake data" already entered so you can get a feel for how things are meant to work by default.

-I very much encourage you to customize the database to your own needs. Right now, the database is built very closely around what I want - but I think it could be modified and extended in various ways without too much grief.

-I certainly don't mind getting credit for the original design if you like it and find it useful. If you dislike it, DON'T TELL ANYBODY I MADE IT. :D

-I wouldn't really characterize the design of the database as user friendly. I wouldn't really characterize it as user unfriendly. I would probably call it "user selectively-antisocial."

-Try (as much as possible) to use the forms instead of the tables - and remember to populate data about bands, promoters, and crew members BEFORE you go into the "Add And Manage Shows" form.

Here's the download link:  

Best of luck!

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